Sunday, August 4, 2024

Assembly 2024

 This weekend, I took part in the Assembly 2024 event. "Took part", as in I was there, and entered a graphics piece into the Freestyle GFX compo. Once again, as many times before, it was not qualified to be shown. Here it is, anyway:

Primitive art

I went for a kind of naivistic, rudimentary look, with allusion to times when digital art was in its baby shoes. I was also inspired by "outsider art", which is fitting, as these constant rejections have led to me feeling like an outsider even in the already rather niche context of the demoscene.

The piece is a composite of a photograph, a screenshot, and a scan of a mandala from a mandala coloring set by Agni K. Editing in Gimp. Prints on RedBubble.

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