Some time ago, I made this SVG representation of a Gankyil in Processing:
Now, I made another three-fold wheel, the World Triad:
As the Gankyil is "the Wheel of Joy", maybe this is the flip side, that is, the three poisons perpetuating? After all, it's "the World Triad", and isn't that the way of the world?
Anyway, I just wanted to write about this to remark that currently, the task of drawing the World Triad is beyond state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (Bing Copilot): it was not able to give me the radii or midpoints of the smaller circles. So, I had to do like was suggested in a Github Issue where an AI had "fixed" an issue in the wrong way: use a different kind of AI: Actual Intelligence! So, I grabbed my grid paper and after some basic trigonometry whirl-abouts, I had these figures, which I am providing here, but which the adept should really work out themselves:
float r = R * 1/(1+1/(sqrt(3)/2)); //r is smaller circle's radius, R is larger's
float l = (2/sqrt(3) - 1)*r //from center of larger along radius to circumference of smaller
I was able to draw it largely thanks to this tutorial by Zak Korvin:
This is what the "guide pattern" looks like, so you can see it's a bit more involved:
Edit 2: Here's a study on another three-fold wheel pattern I've long been interested in: "the Musashi Family Crest". It's just a free-hand approximation; there is no deep geometric understanding, here.
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